[Translate to Engels:]

Passing away

We are sorry for your loss. You have many things to take care of. we understand that. That is why you can give us your notice of cancellation or change online.



Next of kin
If no one else lived in the flat, the tenancy agreement ends after the death of the tenant. You can terminate the tenancy here.



Spouses / registered partners
The tenancy agreement continues without conditions or changes for the spouse or registered partner. You can stay in the property as normal. Nothing changes in the tenancy agreement.


If you were not married or had no registered partnership with the deceased tenant, but are listed together on the tenancy agreement, nothing will change in the tenancy agreement. The only additional condition is that you may need a housing permit from the municipality. Please enquire at your municipality.

You can use the button below to fill in the form if one of the tenants dies and the co-tenant wishes to continue the tenancy agreement. Please fill in the form completely and supply the required information.

Button - Change living situation